Saturday 10 May 2014

How to create a Irken Empire Logo!

This tutorial shows how to create an Irken Empire Logo shown below.

Step 1.

Start with a Circle and than create a inner circle. When drawing can use a compass or anything with a circle shape.

one circle
Step 2: Create the curved Upside down triangle shape for the head.

Curved Edge Upside down Triangle.


Step 3. For the eye draw two ovals.

Step 4: The Mouth draw a sausage shape and draw lines to create teeth and a smile.

Step 5: Antenna can be created by drawing two triangles.

Step 6: Remove Outlines from the drawing using an eraser.

Step 7: Colour in with any chosen colours or go with the colours that are shown in image above.

Remember doesn't have to be perfect just keep practicing drawing and you can get better!

1 comment:

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