Saturday 10 May 2014

How to create a Irken Empire Logo!

This tutorial shows how to create an Irken Empire Logo shown below.

Step 1.

Start with a Circle and than create a inner circle. When drawing can use a compass or anything with a circle shape.

one circle
Step 2: Create the curved Upside down triangle shape for the head.

Curved Edge Upside down Triangle.


Step 3. For the eye draw two ovals.

Step 4: The Mouth draw a sausage shape and draw lines to create teeth and a smile.

Step 5: Antenna can be created by drawing two triangles.

Step 6: Remove Outlines from the drawing using an eraser.

Step 7: Colour in with any chosen colours or go with the colours that are shown in image above.

Remember doesn't have to be perfect just keep practicing drawing and you can get better!

Episode 7: Dark Harvest

Zim: "Inferior human organs!"
Zim: " My squeedly spooch!"
Dib: " Humans don't have squeedly spooches!"
Dib receives package and inside is a x scope (Dib:"I ordered it from the back of crop circles magazine!)
  It can see inside human and aliens (Zim) which gives the ability to see organs. When he looks at Zim through the goggles it says that his organs are "unknown".

Dib says to defeat Zim he must... Dib:"To defeat my enemy, I must study my enemy, then become my enemy, then move in with my enemy, then wear my enemy's clothes"
In class Ms bitters sends Zim to the nurse because he has a case of head pigeons but if they check him he will be found out that he not human. So he starts stealing human organs and replaces them with items such as the hall pass that if you go outside of school you blow up!

Zim: "more organs means more human!"
When Zim gets checked by nurse he is filled with human organs and is said to be human by nurse but when they check Dib they say he isn't human!. In the newspaper the top story is hideous MOOING cyborg boy found!.

Friday 9 May 2014

Gir..... he is just SPECIAL!

My favourite character of the series Gir!
He Has the best personality and is just crazy.

Gir: It's me! I was the turkey all along!

Comment below with your favourite character and why!

Episode 6: Germs

Zim watches a movie about aliens being allergic to germs (movie propaganda!). He than researches and finds out GERMS! do affect aliens. He tries out the goggles that see germs and buys straight away!

Zim wears goggles that make him able to see germs and screams of out fear. This creates a mad germ killing frenzy and becomes a cleaning freak. Gir comes inside and brings more germs into the germ free house Zim created. Zim ties him to a tree outside.
File:Germs 3a.png

Zim finds out that the burgers from the burger shop are free of germs.
So he covers himself in a meat suit and goes to school.

Invader Zim Meat Suit Totally Looks Like Lady Gaga Meat Suit

Zim did it FIRST!!!

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Episode 5: Walk of Doom

Zim needs to repair a guidance system bot (a chip) that Gir can use to track and find places. When he tries to place in Gir he finds bees. Zim says need to work on Gir behaviour. I wouldn't like that to ever happen! Gir has a very humorous personality and what he says creates memorable quotes from the show!

Zim and Gir get themselves lost to see if it works. Gir has left guidance chip a home so they are lost in the city (enemy territory). He left it at to make room for the CUPCAKE!

Try take bus home don't want to pay (no money).
Don't want to go information centre wont accept help from humans. He wont stoop that low!
Burns eyes by staring at sun to tell which way is west , as sun sets west can tell which way is home by this (FAIL!).

Earns bus fare by busking.
Zim cannot stay on bus gets agitated by all the humans on bus such as the baby , germs from sick humans and clown so he and Gir leave the bus. Clown call Zim a FREAK!

Zim and Gir walk into a bank which just had been robbed. It just happens to be that Zim's disguise makes him look like the thief. This starts a huge chase after him. Gir needs to use his jets to fly home to et out of the situation of being chased .Gir had emptied his fuel before leaving to carry tuna!
Take taxi and end up at the front of a Mexican Shop (Carne).

Episode 4: Parent Teacher Night

Ms Bitters reminds Zim that parent teacher night is coming as he has forgotten and had agreed to it ( she had recorded version to play to show him he said yes). She forces him to come to the parent teacher night with his parents (Robots).

Makes robot parents watch parenting show on tv to be able to go to parent teacher night. Gir changes channel so the robot parents end up watching incorrect shows and learn the wrong information on how to act with different situations.
 Professor Membrane who is  Dib and Gaz's dad is not there in person but by floating screen as he is busy (nearly always busy). Robot parents go crazy after dad eats cookie at parent teacher night. Zim gets them to stop by saying I think I've broken my spine which is from one of the shows they watched. After that they immediately take Zim home. Dib tries to see if anyone saw the robots blast through ceiling but no one did. Dib than throwed his cup to the ground out of anger ( no one saw the proof that Zims parents weren't real) and everyone got angry.

Monday 5 May 2014

Episode 3: NanoZim

At the start of the episode there is a security breach an intruder comes in which is Dib in a ninja outfit . Gir left door and window open (Gir- "OH Yehhh!). Gir is a very interesting character and he creates lots of humour in the series.

Dib wants to send the photo to Mysterious Mysteries of Strange Mystery. We see Gaz love of games which helps dib out in the end.

Zim goes inside Dib and starts controlling his arms ( he is attached to the arm control nerve in his belly). He plans to destroy the pictures , delete his memory of where the other copy is and make his brain not smart!. Dib uses his dad microscopic nanoship to fight Zim but is unsuccessful. Gaz ( Gaz- "When you die can I play?") just thinks it is a game (online game vs Zim) and takes over and wins the battle which saves Dib.

Episode 2: Bestest Friend

To be more human Zim feels he needs a best friend. As no friends meant "inhuman" to the children at skool. Jessica a student at the skool says "But look at him, all by himself! I mean, what kind of kid doesn't have any friends? It's so... inhuman"

Zim creates a test to see who would become his best friend it includes three parts:
1. Absorbency
2. Electrical Conductivity
3. Involves a beaver and a small toy taxi car (don't see what happens but hear screaming, might been for the best we didn't see!)

From the testing he determines that Keef is to be his best friend.
After awhile he Zim doesn't need him anymore as he feels earth is satisfied with the companionship. Keef still wants to be friends and comes over to Zim's house ( Gir was ordered not to let anyone in didn't listen). Zim says he is sick and not going to skool. Keef than wants to throw a surprise party for him to cheer him up.

Gir ends up telling about the surprise "Oh, I can't take it, you're too smart for me. Keef is planning a susprise party for you after skool. He gonna bring all the kids because he loves you! That boy loves you so much! I'm making the cake!".

Zim gives Keef a present that takes Keefs real eyes and replaces with robot eyes that make him think that the next living thing him sees is his best friend a squirrel!

This episode is humorous (dark humour) as we see Zim display more of his unusual behaviour such as his best friend test and hate towards humans. The genres that Invader Zim falls under is black comedy, action , science fiction and animation.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Episode 1: The Nightmare begins

The first episode gives us a introduction about the Irken race and what there plans are. We find out about Operation Impending Doom 2. This plan is to dominate all planets and have all races serving the Irken race. Operation Impending Doom 1 failed as Zim started to destroy his own planet. Zim gets banished but escapes and goes to the assignment of planets to invaders anyway. He is assigned a "secret mission" which is a joke to make him go away.

With his sidekick Gir they travel for 6 months (Gir sings Doom song non stop!) and arrive at earth (to conquer it!) which was not planned by the tallest they wanted him dead. At earth he disguises himself a human child and Gir is disguised as a dog. In class at skool Zim runs into his nemesis Dib. He knows straight away he is an alien and tries to tell everyone but no one believes him. This starts the great struggle for Dib to prove that there is aliens and he is not crazy. After skool ends Dib goes after Zim to prove that he is and alien by putting him in cuffs and removing disguise. This however fails as when Zim goes home one of his gnomes destroys the cuffs. Zim than tells about how conquering earth is going fine to the tallest they are astonished that he is even alive.

This episode sets the mood for the whole series as it shows humour and action. The characters are loveable as they all are unique and have crazy quirks about them. Such as Gir being a faulty robot what he says and does most of the time is not he is meant to do ( Gir: "I'm gonna sing the doom song now! Doom doom do doom doo doom doom".). The cartoon is stylised and fits the story being told (sometimes very creepy).

Saturday 3 May 2014

Character introduction

Just a brief description of the main characters :

Zim is a little green alien from the planet Irken. He is easily fooled by others and is always yelling. He was involved in operation impending doom 1 where he destroyed he home Irken this got him banished. He was assigned a secret mission which eventually led him to earth (took 6 months to get from Irken to Earth). On earth disguises himself as a human boy.
Zim-"Nothing breaches my defences, nothing! You hear me, squirrel-boy? Nothing!"
Zim is voiced by Richard Steven Horvitz.

Gir is a robot given to zim from the tallest. On earth is disguised as a green dog. He is not like the Sir given to the other invaders as he was created by spare parts. Gir has a crazy personality which drives Zim insane sometimes. The tallest say he is "advanced" but he is really just a faulty Sir.
Gir- " I'm gonna sing the doom song now! Doom doom do doom doo doom doom".
 Gir is voiced by Rosearik Rikki Simons.
The Tallest rule over the Irken empire. One is purple while the other is red and as there name suggests they are tallest aliens. The goal of their plan Operation Impending Doom 2 is to dominate and have all races serve the Irken race.
Tallest red- "Oh, and remember, Lasers!" and Tallest purple- "It's not stupid, it's advanced"
Tallest red is voiced by Wally Wingert.
Tallest purple is voiced by Kevin Hamilton Mcdonald.
Dib is child living on earth who is out to prove that Zim is an alien. He is smart , very determined and has a love for unexplained paranormal phenomena. Zim is placed in his class and straight away knows he is an alien but no one else believes him ( they think he is weird).
Dib-"What's the matter? Scared of beans, Space boy?"
Dib is voiced by Andy Berman.
Gaz is Dib's little sister who loves video games and is easily angered especially by her brother Dib.
Gaz- " I'm only thirteen levels away from finishing the game so I either finish the game or make you wish I was never born!
Gaz is voiced by Melissa Fahn.

Professor Membrane is the father of Dib and Gaz. He spends his time mostly in the lab.
Professor Membrane-" I'm sorry, but I'm very busy right now. We're testing some highly unstable"
Professor Membrane voiced by Roger Bumpass.

Ms Bitters is the teacher of Dib and Zim at Skool. She is a very cranky, old and tall teacher
Ms Bitters- "Don't forget that tonight is Parent Teacher Night. Everyone is required to bring their parents to the cafeteria."
Ms Bitters is voiced by Lucille Bliss.

If there is anything that you would want to contribute to any of character descriptions comment below!

Thursday 1 May 2014

Welcome to Invader Zim Blog!

I would like to introduce you to the site all about Invader Zim created by Jhonen Vasquez.
 The Blogs overall purpose is to share ideas so comments and input from you everyone would be appreciated!
Posts will include episode reviews, fan art and polls but as the blog develops different content about Invader Zim will be shown.

Follow the creator on Twitter: